Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Sad Announcement

I have some difficult news to share. As some of you may be aware, the camp board has had an on-going dispute with our neighbours over some of our land. This land includes the chapel, the second glen, and the bottom of the canoe path. While this property was originally part of the Kintail property, a later deed gives the property to our neighbours. We had put in an offer to purchase the land in dispute but the offer was not accepted. At this time, our neighbours have asked us to stop using the property that belongs to them, and we have agreed. There has been a property committee working on resolving this issue for many years, along with the board, and we are very sorry we have arrived at this point.

We have stopped using the chapel and are not using the second glen or canoe path. For this summer, we will be having chapel around the site at different locations and then will build a new chapel next summer. If you have any suggestions, we would gladly listen!

We will be having a de-commissioning service in the chapel on August 3rd at 3pm. This is the Civic Holiday Monday. It is just after Family Camp so we are hopeful many alumni will be able to attend this service. Please pass the word along so that as many people as possible can attend.

So many of us have significant memories based in the chapel. I remember many late night communion services, closing chapel services on Friday, morning chapels, and of course, our wedding in the chapel. It is a beautiful place that was set aside for campers and staff and retreats to reflect on God's nature and grace. However, what was most important was the fact that community was gathered worshipping God together. This can, will, and does happen all around the site when we sing, pray, laugh, share, and praise God together.

We are looking forward to creating a new sacred space where the whole community can gather. As summer progresses, we hope to have more details to share about where the new chapel will be built. We would love to have many hands in the spring come out to help build our new chapel.

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