Thursday, July 2, 2009

K1 - Earthseekers

Our first camps of the summer are now in session! We welcomed five different programs this week, K1 - Earthseekers, K1S - Sojourners, K1V - Volunteers of Kintail, K1C - Canoe Seekers, and KLIT1 - Out-tripping Leader in Training. It has been raining every day - but our counsellors and staff have been making the best of it and everyone is still having a great time.
When there is rain - there are always rainbows!
Ocelot, Wombat, Sonic, and David (an LIT) enjoying the rainbow.
Monsoon lead a music parade this morning with the Earthseekers campers. They made music all around the camp and entertained everyone at MacDonald Lodge.

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