Monday, July 27, 2009

H1N1 Flu Precautions

The H1N1 virus has been in the news a lot this spring and summer, including several stories about camps. Camp Kintail is working very hard at keeping everyone healthy and well this summer. We have not had any cases of the virus. We have been in touch with our Health Unit and have recieved a lot of information from the Ministry of Health.

Here is what we are doing to keep everyone healthy:
  • We screen all incoming campers to see if they have had the flu recently or come into contact with anyone who has had H1N1.
  • We ask parents to send their child to a different week of the summer if they are not feeling 100%.
  • We have a registered nurse or licensed paramedic on site at all times.
  • We have hand sanitizer on our tables during meals and campers are encouraged to use it before and after meals.
  • Campers wash their hands regularly.
  • Campers sleep head to feet in the bunks, not head to head.
  • Campers are instructed to cough or sneeze into their elbows or shoulders.

Here is a link to an information sheet for parents from the Ministry of Health:

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