Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our camp blog has moved to our new website. Please go to www.campkintail.ca for the new blogfeed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hey there Kintail Friends,
I hope that all of you are having a great fall! I’ve always loved the colours that fall brings, it makes for some great photos. As the weather gets colder though, I begin to miss summer, and thinking about summer makes me miss camp. Luckily, there events like ‘An Especially Special Night’ that allow me to reconnect with lots of old camp friends.
In case you haven’t heard, the first ever Camp Kintail alumni dinner is being held on November 7th. It’s going to be a great night filled with yummy food and lots of entertainment. It would be great to see you there!

Every day is a special day at Camp Kintail, but … November 7th is
“An Especially Special Night!”

You are invited to the first ever Alumni and Friends of Kintail Dinner!

Saturday, November 7 at 6 pm

If you were ever a camper, family camper, staff member,
board member, volunteer or friend of Kintail you are invited to join in the fun!

Innerkip Presbyterian Church (near Woodstock)
64 Blandford St., (Oxford Road 4)

Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased (before the event)
via email - grow@campkintail.ca
or by phone at 519-235-3701

This event is for adults only, there will be a camper reunion for the youngsters in the winter!

Social time will begin at 6:00pm, with dinner being served at 6:30pm. There will be music, pictures, and entertainment throughout the night.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Out-trips 2009

Scott "Axis" McDonald, the out-tripper has just sent me a lot of pictures of the out-trips this section. They are being added to the photo gallery so check them out in "Out-Trips 2009."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Camp Kintail and Connections (Synod Youth Ministry) are offering a one day conference on leadership for youth this Saturday. Come and check it out at Westmount Presbyterian in London. Lots of staff will be there helping to lead including Forest, Algae, Pacific, Wooly Mammoth, Vapour, and Flame!


Youth will experience leadership and gain skills in games, music, reflection and prayer.
Youth leaders have the chance to share stories and develop new skills.

Who: Youth Stream (12—17) & Youth Leader Stream (all ages)

Where: Westmount Presbyterian Church, London

When: Saturday, October 17, 2009

10am - 4:30pm - Registration @ 9:30

Cost: $10 (lunch included)

To Register go to www.iconnections.ca
OR call 1-888-496-8842

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends of Kintail!

Have a great day with friends and family. Remember to give thanks for all the blessings God has given us, and remember those who do not have a table to gather around on this day.
As always, give thanks for the gift of Christian community found at Kintail and pray that for years to come, children and young people will discover that they are loved by God in this place!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Where in the World is Tree?

Fifth year staff member and counsellor, Dan Donohue, is currently teaching grade one in the Bahamas! We know he will be an excellent teacher, as he was always a committed and creative counellor at Kintail.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer Pictures in the Gallery

Quasar is one of our staff photographers and she has sent me all of her amazing pictures of the summer. If you check out the gallery, there are lots of new pictures from the summer of 2009! Right now, there are pictures from K1- K5. There will be more added in the next few weeks as I have access to high speed internet. The internet is not very fast at camp! There will be more pictures from Pacific, Ocelot, and others as well!