Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ontario Presbyterian Camping Conference

This past week a group of Program Staff travelled to Cairn, our sister Presbyterian camp in the Muskokas. They are the camp for the Synod of Central and Northeaster Ontario and Bermuda. We had an amazing time getting to know the Cairn staff, exploring their site, worshipping God together, and discussing leadership. We loved trying out their zip line, throwing blanket, and climbing wall. Thanks to the Cairn staff for their exceptional hospitality! We can't wait until you come to Kintail next summer. Get to know you games in the courtyard.

Flame and Pacific on the climbing wall. Getting ready for the climbing wall.
Cougar on the zip line - he was the first to try it!
Cougar at the top of the zip line!
The Kintail staff learning to play roofball waiting for a meal.

1 comment:

Adam Brown said...

I'm so glad all of you had a great visit. We had perfect weather, and even the bugs were cooperative.

Thanks for the visit, have a great summer!
