Thursday, June 18, 2009

Disc Golf

This summer when you come to camp, either to visit, volunteer or have the best week of your life you may notice a few weird contraptions around site. They are not odd looking laundry baskets, clothes lines or torture devices. No, they are something a lot more fun. Camp Kintail now has a 9 hole disc golf course! it came on Monday and I couldn't wait to set it up.

Disc golf works the same as ball golf. The goal is to get the disc in the basket or chains in as few strokes (throws) as possible. The course takes you on an epic journey around camp. It'll be a great activity for campers and staff.

We've already played a few holes with the staff and everyone seems to like it. If you don't think you can throw a disc, I'm qualified to teach you how to. Now you have one more thing to look forward to this summer! Campers are coming soon so I better go play another round to perfect my putting.

Peace, Love and Sandwiches
- Ocelot

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