Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Counselling Program Day

On Saturday, the hopeful counsellors of 2009 gathered for a day of fun, games, problem-solving activities, counselling situations, and interviews. There were about 40 gathered and eight volunteer interviewers. After a great day, decisions are now being made and references checked. The staff of 2009 will soon be in place! Some staff acting out the best parts of the coming summer.
There are always lots of volunteers!

Shelagh "Flame" O' Neill - the Assistant Director for 2009! (with Anna)
Working hard on an activity asking which famous person you think would make a good camp counsellor.
Oliver "Ocelot" Gaskin - the 2009 Program Director! (with Anna)
Working through counselling situations in small groups.
Closing the day with music. Any guesses on what song we are singing?

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