Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cake by the Lake

One week ago, on Tuesday, June 23rd, the Camp Kintail staff were delighted to host "Cake by the Lake" for the women of the church. We welcomed women from almost every Presbyterial in the Synodical of Southwestern Ontario as well as a few from the Synodical of Central and Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda. There were 250 women gathered at Kintail and they came prepared to have fun! We had enough cake and strawberries for everyone! It was delicious!
Everyone registering in "Caitlyn's Gazebo." You can see the bus from the Sarnia Presbyterial behind the gazebo.
We were glad that Marion Mundell was able to join us. She is the daughter of the Rev. Charles MacDonald, one of the founders of the Kintail. She shared a lot of history and memories of Kintail from the early years.
Theresa Wooley was our cake maker (and she is the camp's treasurer). A woman of many talents, she also helped out in the kitchen all morning.
Some of the kitchen crew for the event. Johnathon "Mercury" Lee planned and prepared the meal with the help of Phil "Cougar" Laliberte and the Kintail staff.

Our dining hall was packed!

Following lunch we worshipped together in MacDonald Lodge. It was a very meaningful service.

The staff sang throughout the service and put on a drama. If you look carefully in the back row, you will see Tree dress up as Jesus.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stratford & Monkton Retreats

Every spring, we are delighted to welcome church groups to our site for retreats. This spring we welcomed groups from Monkton and Stratford. Here are some pictures of Olympics from the Monkton retreat.

Both groups did work projects around the site. The Stratford group worked on rebuilding the stairs to Believer's Bluff.
Who gave this minister a chainsaw?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thanks Knox Men!

The men from Knox Goderich were here on Friday. They cut down leaning trees around the cabins and took some trees away to the sawmill. They are going to be turned into campfire benches in the coming weeks.

Ocelot took some video of the fun from that day. Check it out here!

Waterfront NLS

This past weekend three staff members - Quasar, Flame, and Kamani - all completed their waterfront lifeguard training. This is an advanced lifeguarding course that deals with the specifics of lifeguarding at a wavy beach. Congratulations!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Disc Golf

This summer when you come to camp, either to visit, volunteer or have the best week of your life you may notice a few weird contraptions around site. They are not odd looking laundry baskets, clothes lines or torture devices. No, they are something a lot more fun. Camp Kintail now has a 9 hole disc golf course! it came on Monday and I couldn't wait to set it up.

Disc golf works the same as ball golf. The goal is to get the disc in the basket or chains in as few strokes (throws) as possible. The course takes you on an epic journey around camp. It'll be a great activity for campers and staff.

We've already played a few holes with the staff and everyone seems to like it. If you don't think you can throw a disc, I'm qualified to teach you how to. Now you have one more thing to look forward to this summer! Campers are coming soon so I better go play another round to perfect my putting.

Peace, Love and Sandwiches
- Ocelot

Monday, June 15, 2009

Guest Post from Ocelot

Bed time blog - Friday

Well things are starting to get busier. Robertson Memorial Elementary just finished their field trip and left here today. I had an awesome time, it was great to see some of my former campers and it made me extremely excited for the summer. A church from Stratford began their weekend retreat today, it's great that so many people get to enjoy the site with us. I think the staff was getting a little lonely up here.

I've been programming away as fast as my brain spit out ideas and I have to say this summer is looking pretty epic. Thinking of new games and reminiscing about the classics is a wonderful way to spend a day.

Ella and Lucy are a lot of help. Students from Robertson Memorial seemed to really like playing capture the flag, maybe we'll do it again this summer. I though the talent show was spectacular, it blew me away.

I really should be getting to sleep. I missed camp fire tonight because I need lots of rest after being in the sun all day. Don't forget to bring sun screen this summer!

Peace, love & popsicles
- Ocelot

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Caitlyn's Gazebo

Last summer a long time camper, Caitlyn, passed away after a struggle with brain cancer. She had attended Kintail for ten years and many staff knew and loved Caitlyn. We were overwhelmed when her family designated Kintail as one of the places people could donate in memory of Caitlyn. The 2008 staff were determined that we remember Caitlyn and honour her love of Kintail. The camp made a decision to build a gazebo with the funds donated in Caitlyn's memory and to match the money ourselves. When we told the contractor who has done the renovations to the Lodge this spring Caitlyn's story, he donated his labour to this project. Building "Caitlyn's Gazebo" has truly been a labour of love for all involved this spring. The gazebo is now built and up at the camp, you will see it in front of MacDonald Lodge when you drive into the site. It is beautiful, and will fit a cabin for FLASH, devotions, rainy day activities, a meal out, or as a stopping place to rest and relax.
One of Caitlyn's counsellors, Lyra, has volunteered to plant some flowers around the gazebo, so this beautiful space will become even more beautiful in the weeks ahead.
Yeti (maintenance) and Mallard (alumni) hard at work on building the gazebo.

The gazebo will be dedicated on June 27th, at the Camp Open House & Staff Commissioning. We hope you can join us for this special day.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where in the world is Vapour?

Our amazing Camp Crafts Director Vapour has spent the last couple of weeks touring the US Southwest with her family. Here are a couple of beautiful shots from the Grand Canyon.

This last shot is from Zion National Park near Cedar City, Utah.

Monday, June 8, 2009

General Assembly

Trillium on the throwing blanket at Cairn.

Everyone at Kintail is getting very excited about the summer ahead. Almost all of the program staff are up at camp, getting their program areas ready to go. Lunar has the craft cubby all cleaned out, the bunnies are coming on Monday, the tents have been all aired out, and Wombat is getting the canoes down to the beach. While all this activity is going on, I will be at General Assembly this week as a commissioner. You can check out what is happening at Assembly on the website of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. I hope to meet lots of Kintail alumni at Assembly and camping advocates from across the country at Assembly!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ontario Presbyterian Camping Conference

This past week a group of Program Staff travelled to Cairn, our sister Presbyterian camp in the Muskokas. They are the camp for the Synod of Central and Northeaster Ontario and Bermuda. We had an amazing time getting to know the Cairn staff, exploring their site, worshipping God together, and discussing leadership. We loved trying out their zip line, throwing blanket, and climbing wall. Thanks to the Cairn staff for their exceptional hospitality! We can't wait until you come to Kintail next summer. Get to know you games in the courtyard.

Flame and Pacific on the climbing wall. Getting ready for the climbing wall.
Cougar on the zip line - he was the first to try it!
Cougar at the top of the zip line!
The Kintail staff learning to play roofball waiting for a meal.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We gratefully accept donations throughout the summer of craft, kitchen, office, and program supplies. But last week, several staff members made a donation of a different kind. Flame, Flare, Ocelot, Axis, and Yeti all travelled into Goderich to donate blood. Thanks for giving the gift of life!