Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lodge Renovations

For the past couple of weeks, the MacDonald Lodge renovations have begun. The Lodge is thirty years old this summer and it had all of its original doors and windows. It was time for a renovation! Work began in mid April when the old windows were taken out and the space prepared for new larger windows. A new door going into the new office space was also put in the front of the building. Canopies were built over the front door and kitchen door. Look closely and you will see a Kintail staff alumni working on the project!
A view from the front of the Lodge.
The windows were put in next and they have made a big difference in the amount of light and ventilation.

The kitchen side is also getting a canopy and new windows.

The last step will be painting the Lodge. This is the back of the lodge after it has been cleaned and prepped for painting. The painters were working today and will finish tomorrow or Monday depending on the weather. The contractor will also be finished by Monday.

When you drive in the laneway this summer, MacDonald Lodge will look quite different. It is our hope that we will be able to complete the windows and doors on the other sides of the building in the coming summer. Any donations would be gratefully recieved so that we can finish the renovations and make MacDonald Lodge look fantastic!

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