Monday, November 19, 2007

New Blog

Welcome to Camp Kintail's new blog. Check in here often for camp news, updates on staff, pictures of the camp site, and parent information. It will be updated about once a week.

A lot has happened at Camp in the last month or so. Camp closing took place on October 28th. It was a cold and rainy day but lots of work was accomplished. Pictures will be coming soon.

On November 4th, the Presbytery of Huron-Perth held a recognition service to mark the beginning of my ministry at Camp Kintail. Rev. John Zondag preached on the importance of community at camp and in congregations. A group of Kintail staff, alumni, and campers sang a couple of songs, adding greatly to the service. It was a wonderful day.

Camp Kintail Staff, Alumni, and Campers - Recognition Service

Brochures are now out in the churches, make sure you pick up a copy and send your registrations in to guarentee a spot for 2008.

Staff and LIT applications are now available on the website. Please consider if you would like to serve on the 2008 Camp Staff.

Our website is the process of being updated. This may take a little while, but we are committed to providing accurate and up to date information for campers, parents, and staff.